Younger People


The surgery is part of the condom distribution scheme being operated by North Yorkshire County Council.

"Morning After Pill"

New Service - free emergency contraception is available through local pharmacies for young women aged 14 to 24. 


- is a disease transmitted through sexual contact which can go undetected and can lead to complications in later life.

If you are under 25 it's best to get a Chlamydia test every 12 months (or every time you change partner).

Testing is by urine sample or vaginal swab - and is very quickly done. Just ask the doctor or nurse to take a sample while you are in the surgery.

Click here for more information

Chlamydia Testing - confidentially!

A confidential service is available for under 25's male & female through the surgery.

D-I-Y test kits are available for collection from both patient toilets situated in the surgery waiting area and from the display box in the foyer entrance. Full instructions are given and the resulting sample should be handed in at reception. The kit can be taken home for use but the sample must be handed in at the reception desk preferably within 24 hours. The sample is sent to a lab who return the results directly to you according to the instructions given on the submission form included with the kit e.g. letter, phone call, text etc.

You don't even have to be a patient at Beech House Surgery to use this service!

You can also call YORSCREEN on 01904 725440 for more information. CLICK a leaflet on self-taken vaginal swabs.

 Health Services for Young People

You are entitled to completely confidential help and advice from all members of staff: reception staff, doctors and nurses. 

Can your doctor keep your secret?
All our staff (doctors, nurses and receptionists) have a professional code which means that, even if you are under 16, you have the same right to confidentiality as adults.

We will not pass on any information about your visit to anyone unless we feel you are in serious danger (a very rare situation) and even then we would always discuss this with you first.

Your Appointment
We have four nurses who are female. If you wish, you can ask to see a male or female doctor. If you would like to bring a family member or friend to your appointment that is completely OK.

Very occasionally you may need an 'intimate examination'. We will always discuss this with you first and you have the choice to refuse this, come back another time or attend another clinic. If you decide to have the examination we will offer you a chaperone (another member of staff - usually a nurse - to attend, if you wish).

Common Health Problems

These are some common problems that may affect you:

  • Skin problems
  • Period problems
  • Headache/migraine
  • Family/relationship problems
  • Stress/low mood
  • School/college problems - exams/work/bullying
  • Lifestyle: weight/eating/diet
  • Lumps and bumps: skin, testicles, breasts or vagina
  • Peer pressure - being encouraged to do something by your friends that you don't feel happy about
  • Worries about alcohol/smoking/using drugs
  • Having sex/safe sex/contraception/sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • (We can help with all contraception, including emergency contraception, including if you are under 16)
  • Free condoms are available - please make an appointment for the nurse
  • Pregnant?
  • Sexuality - straight or gay?

Where else can I go for help? 

Some teenagers are worried about going to the doctor's surgery for help. We hope this information will make it easier for you to see us. If you prefer, there are many other places you can get confidential help and advice:

Parent or family member

Can be surprisingly helpful and are often more aware than you might think. We may encourage you to discuss your problem with your parent(s) but only if you are happy to. We will not pass on any information to them ourselves, even if you are under 16.

School nurse -contact her through your school

Local Family Planning Clinic

Sexually transmitted infection (GUM) Clinic

At the Surgery - ask to speak with our Specialist Nurse or a Practice Nurse about any concerns such as contraception, emergency contraception, periods, sexually transmitted diseases, puberty, skin problems etc.
When making an appointment you do not have to tell the receptionist details of your query - although it does help to ensure that you see the right clinician.
We have telephone appointments available if you would feel more comfortable speaking to a doctor or nurse rather than coming into the surgery.
Any information given to the doctors or nurses is confidential and cannot be divulged to any other person, including family, unless we believe that you are in danger. 

Family Planning Service - Dragon Parade Clinic, Dragon Parade, Harrogate - under 21's only - drop in - no appointment necessary. Call 558200 for more info.

Contraception Clinic - Heathdene Centre, Lancaster Park Road - any age - appointment necessary. Mondays, Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays 6:30pm to 8:50pm. Call 553418.

GUM Clinic - centre for sexual health. Tuesday and Friday - call 553428 for an appointment.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) - for more information about this vaccination programme click here. Please note that we have been undertaking a 'catch-up' programme for female patients born between 1st Sept 1990 and 31st August 1991. A further programme has been started (June 09) for all female patients born between 1st September 1991 and 31st August 1993. Patients born after this date will be vaccinated through their schools.

Useful Web Sites